General opening +
Plenary session
- President of Tuscany Region: Dr. Claudio Martini
- Chancellor of the University of Pisa: Dr. Marco Pasquali
- General Director of the Italian Fire Corps, Italian
Ministry of Interior: Pref. Mario Morcone
- Italian Ministry of the Productive activities: Dr. Corrado
Clini, Hydrogen Italian Policy and IPHE
International key notes (EU, J, CAN, US):
- MacIntyre, I., Tchouvelev, A.V., Hay, D.R., Wong, J., Grant, J. and Benard,
Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program.
- Kinzey, B.R., Ruiz, A. and Davis, P.B.,
The Hydrogen Safety Program
of the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Ikeya T., Development of Hydrogen Safety Technologies
in Japan.
- Perez Sainz A., European Initiatives in the field of
Hydrogen Safety, Regulations, Codes and Standards.
Hy Release
- 110126_Venetsanos, A.G.
and Bartzis, J.G., CFD
modelling of large-scale LH2 spills in open environment.
- 110078_Verfondern, K.
and Dienhart, B., Pool
Spreading and Vaporization of Liquid Hydrogen.
- 110090_Cheng, Z.,
Agranat, V. M., Tchouvelev, A. V., Houf, W. and Zhubrin, S. V.,
PRD Hydrogen Release and
Dispersion, a Comparison of CFD Results Obtained from Using Ideal and Real
Gas Law Properties.
- 110132_ Molkov V. V.,
Makarov D. V. and Prost E.,
On numerical simulation of
liquefied and gaseous hydrogen releases at large scales.
- 120004_Gallego, E.,
Migoya, E., Martín-Valdepeñas, J.M., Crespo, A., García, J., Venetsanos, A.,
Papanikolaov, E., Kumar, S., Studer, E., Hansen, O.R., Dagba, Y., Jordan, T.,
Jahn, W., Høiset, S., Makarov, D. and Piechna, J.,
An Intercomparison Exercise
on the Capabilities of CFD Models to Predict Distribution and Mixing of H2
in a Closed Vessel.
- 110122_ Xu, B.P., Zhang, J.P.,
Wen, J.X., Dembele, S. and Karwatzki, J.,
Numerical Study of a Higly
Under-expanded Hydrogen Jet.
- 100071_ Paillère, H., Studer,
E., Beccantini, A. , Kudriakov, S., Dabbene, F., and Perret, C.,
Modelling of H2 Dispersion
and Combustion Phenomena Using CFD Codes.
- 110045_ Angers, B., Hourri, A.,
Bénard, P., Tessier, P. and Perrin, J.,
Simulations of hydrogen
releases from a storage tanks: dispersion and consequences of ignition.
- 100044_ Takeno, K., Okabayashi,
K., Ichinose, T., Kouchi, A., Nonaka, T., Hashiguchi, K. and Chitose, K.,
Phenomena of Dispersion and
Explosion of High Pressurized Hydrogen
- 110021_ Granovskiy, E.A., Lyfar’, V.A., Skob, Yu.A.
and Ugryumov, M.L.,
Numerical Modeling of Hydrogen Release, Mixture and Dispersion in
- 110090_ Cheng Z,
Agranat V.M. and Tchouvelev A.V. ,
Vertical Turbulent Buoyant
Helium Jet - CFD Modeling and Validation.
- 120005_Shirvill, L.C., Roberts, P., Butler, C.J.,
Roberts, T.A. and Royle, M.,
Characterization of the
Hazards from Jet Releases of Hydrogen.
- 140025_Ambrosini, W., Forgione, N. Oriolo, F. and
Parozzi, F., Mixing of
Dense or Light Gases with Turbulent Air: a Fast-Running Model for Lumped
Parameter Codes.
- 320033_ Mukai, S., Suzuki, J., Mitsuishi, H.,
Oyakawa, K., and Watanabe, S.,
CFD Simulation on Diffusion
of Leaked Hydrogen Caused by Vehicle Accident in Tunnels.
Hydrogen Vehicles
- 220117_ Rybin, H.,
Krainz, G., Bartlok, G. and Kratzer, E.,
Safety demands for automotive hydrogen storage systems
- 310002_ Fürst, S., Dub,
M., Gruber, M., Lechner, W., and Müller, C.,
Safety of hydrogen-fueled
motor vehicles with IC engines.
- 140037_ Watanabe, S.,
Tamura, Y. and Suzuki, J.,
The New Facility for Hydrogen
and Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety Evaluation.
- 320121_ Papanikolaou,
E.A. and Venetsanos, A.G.,
CFD modeling for helium
releases in a private garage without forced ventilation.
- 310001_
Mitsuishi, H., Oshino, K. and Watanabe, S.,
Dynamic Crush Test on
Hydrogen Pressurized Cylinder.
Production & Storage
220006_ Sindelar, R.,
Kaufmann, H., May, U., Krainz, G. and Hofmeister, F.,
Characterization of Materials
in Pressurized Hydrogen Under Cyclic Loading at Service Conditions in
Hydrogen Powered Engines.
- 210029_ Haraldsen, K.
and Leth-Olsen, H.,
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steels in High-Pressure Alkaline
- 210048_ Bassi, A.,
Bertrand, F., Barbier, D., Aujollet, P. and Anzieu, P.,
Massive H2 production with
nuclear heating, safety approach for coupling a VHTR with an Iodine Sulfur
process cycle.
- 220113_ Wada, Y.,
Ishigaki, R., Tanaka, Y., Iwadate, T. and Ohnishi, K.,
Evaluation of Metal Materials for Hydrogen Fuel Stations.
- 210001_ Cercignani, G., Cozzani,
V., Nicolella, C. and Zanelli, S.,
Innovative Passive Protection
Systems for Hydrogen Production Plants.
- 220003_ Brown, A.E.P., Nunes, E.N., Teruya, C.M.,
Anacleto, L.H., Fedrigo, J.C. and Artoni, M.R.O.,
Quantitative Risk Analysis Of
Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Unit.
- 220024_Seco F, Agote I., Ezponda E., Guisasola I.N.,
Lagos M.A., Kharatyan S.L. and Sargsyan A.R.,
Safe Method of Manufacturing Hydrogen Metallic Hydrides.
Ignition and Flammability
- 120001_ Schroeder, V.
and Holtappels, K.,
Explosion Characteristics of Hydrogen-air and Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures at
elevated pressures.
- 120002_ Chaumeix, N.,
Pichon, S., Lafosse, F., Udari, N. and Paillard, C.-E.,
Role of Chemical Kinetics on
the Detonation Properties of Hydrogen/Natural Gas/ Air Mixtures.
- 100098_Astbury, G.R.
and Hawksworth, S.J.,
Spontaneous Ignition of Hydrogen Leaks: a Review of Postulated Mechanisms
- 100032_ Di
Sarli, V. and Di Benedetto, A.,
of Hydrogen Enriched Premixed Flames.
- 120047_ Weiser, V., Roth, E., Kelzenberg, S., Eckl,
W., Eisenreich, N. and Langer, G.,
Measuring and modelling unsteady radiation of hydrogen combustion.
- 120119_Mogi, T., Nishida, H. and Horiguchi, S.,
Flame Characteristics of
High-Pressure Hydrogen Gas Jet.
- 120133_ Elhsnawi M. and Teodorczyk A.,
Experimental Study of Hot
Inert Gas Jet Ignition of Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture.
Transport & Distribution
- 230001_ Pilo, F.,
Munaro, L. and Zanardo, A.,
Case of compressed gaseous
tube trailer.
- 230120_ Alliat, I. and
Heerings, J., Assessing
the Durability and Integrity of Natural Gas Infrastructures for Transporting
and Distributing Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas.
- 110077_ Wilkening, H.
and Baraldi, D., CFD
modelling of accidental hydrogen release from pipelines.

Explosions – Experiments
- 120036_ Tanaka, T.,
Azuma, T., Evans, J.A., Cronin, P.M., Johnson, D.M. and Cleaver, R.P.,
Experimental Study on
Hydrogen Explosions in a full-scale hydrogen filling station model.
- 120039_ Wakabayashi,
K., Mogi, T., Kim, D., Abe, T., Ishikawa, K., Kuroda, E., Matsumura, T.,
Nakayama, Y., Horiguchi, S., Oya, M., and Fujiwara S.,
A field explosion test of
hydrogen-air mixtures.
- 120105_ Groethe, M.,
Merilo, E., Colton, J., Chiba, S. , Sato, Y. and Iwabuchi, H.,
Large-Scale Hydrogen
Deflagrations and Detonations.
- 120009_ Breitung, W.,
Analysis Methodology for
Hydrogen Behaviour in Accident Scenarios.
- 120018_ Schneider, H.,
Large Scale Experiments:
Deflagration and Deflagration to Detonation within a Partial Confinement
Similar to a Lane.
Refueling Station & Stationary Application
230095_ Markert, F.,
Nielsen, S. K., Paulsen, J.L. and Andersen, V.,
Safety Aspects of Land-Use
Planning Scenarios for a Future Infra Structure with Hydrogen Re-Fuelling
- 230100_ Faudou, J-Y.,
Lehman, J-Y. and Pregassame, S.,
Hydrogen Refueling Stations:
Safe Filling Procedures.
- 330110_ Calì, M.,
Fontana, E., Giaretto, V., Orsello, G. and Santarelli, M.,
The EOS Project: A SOFC Pilot
Plant in Italy, Safety aspects.
- 230003_ Barthelemy, H. and
Allidieres, L., Gaseous
hydrogen Refuelling Stations : Selection of Materials for Hydrogen High
Pressure Fuelling Connectors.
- 230079_ Galatola, E., Nava, R. and Di Clemente, L.,
Potential Models for Stand-Alone and Multi-Fuel Gaseous Hydrogen Refuelling
Stations: Assessment of Associated Risk.
Explosions – Modeling
- 120003_ Gallego, E.,
García, J., Migoya, E., Crespo, A., Kotchourko, A., Yanez, J., Beccantini,
A., Hansen, O.R., Baraldi, D., Høiset, S., Voort, M.M. and Molkov, V.,
An Intercomparison Exercise
on the Capabilities of CFD Models to Predict Deflagration of a Large-Scale
H2-Air Mixture in Open Atmosphere.
- 120075_ Hansen, O.R.,
Renoult, J., Sherman, M.P. and Tieszen, S.R.,
Validation of Flacs-Hydrogen
CFD Consequence Prediction Model Against Large Scale H2 Explosion
Experiments in the Flame Facility.
- 120131_ Molkov, V.V.,
Makarov, D.V. and Schneider, H.,
Hydrogen-air deflagrations in
open atmosphere: large eddy simulation analysis of experimental data.
- 120038_Vaagsaether, K.,
Knudsen, V. and Bjerketvedt, D.,
Simulation of flame
acceleration and DDT in H2-air mixture with a flux limiter centred method.
- 120011_ Kotchourko, A.,
Methodology of CFD Safety Analysis for Large-Scale Industrial Structures.
- 120132_ Shabunya, S.I., Martynenko, V.V., Till, M.
and Perrin, J., 1D
Phenomenological Model Estimating the Overpressure which could be Generated
by Gas Explosion in a Congested Space.
- 130028_ Nozu, T., Tanaka, R., Ogawa, T., Hibi, K.
and Sakai, Y.,
Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Explosion Tests with a Barrier Wall for
Blast Mitigation.
- 140040_Kirillov, I. A., Strelkova, M.I., Panasenko,
A.V. and Roekaerts, D.,
Sensitivity to detonation and detonation celluLar structure of H2-O2-AIr-H2O2
gas mixtures.
Education, Training & Lessons learned
- 100068_ Weiner, S.C.,
Kallman, R.A., Ruiz, A. and Schneider, J.M.,
Hydrogen Safety: From
Policies to Plans to Practices.
- 100096_ Bjerketvedt, D.
and Mjaavatten, A., A
Hydrogen-Air Explosion in a Process Plant: A Case History.
- 130115_ Chernicoff,
W.p., Miller, G. A.,
Facilitating the Safest Possible Transition from Fossil to Hydrogen Fuels:
Hydrogen Executive Leadership Panel.
- 100116_ Dahoe, A.E, and
Molkov, V.V., Towards
Hydrogen Safety Education and Training.
- 100052_ Kinzey, B.R.,
Fassbender, L.L. and Akers, B.M.,
National Training Facility
for Hydrogen Safety. Five year plan for HAMMER.
Risk Assessment
- 140031_Funnemark, E.
and Engebø, A.,
Development of Tools for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication for Hydrogen
- 140076_ Andersen V.,
Paulsen J.L. and Markert F.,
A Survey Among Expertsof
Safety Related to the Use of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier.
- 120125_ Delichatsios,
M.A. and Fardis, M.N., A
Reappraisal of Containment Safety Under Hydrogen Detonation.
- 100129_ Dorofeev, S.B.,
Evaluation of Safety
Distances Related to Unconfined Hydrogen Explosions.
- 140062_ Baronov, G.S., Grigoriev,
S.A., Kalinnikov, A.A. and Fateev, V.N.,
Development of Hydrogen Sensors and Recombiners.
- 140114_ Hoevenaars, A.J. and
Kirchsteiger, C.,
Agent-Based as an Alternative to Prognostic Modeling of Safety Risks in
Hydrogen Energy Scenarios.
Legal Requirements & Standards
- 410092_ Howard, G.W.,
Tchouvelev, A.V., Cheng, Z. and Agranat, V.M.,
Defining Hazardous Zones – Electrical Classification Distances.
- 410093_ Tchouvelev,
A.V., Benard, P., Agranat, V. and Cheng, Z.,
Determination of Clearance
Distances for Venting of Hydrogen Storage.
- 420064_Grasso, N.,
Ciannelli, N., Pilo, F.,
Carcassi, M. and Ceccherini, F., Fire Prevention Technical Rule for Gaseous
Hydrogen Refuelling Stations.
- 140035_ Ohi, J.M., Moen,
C., Keller, J and Cox, R.,
Risk Assessment for Hydrogen
Codes and Standards.
- 600001_ Dey, R., ISO/Technical
Committee 197 - Hydrogen
Technologies status of work.
- 410041_ Marangon, A.,
Carcassi, M.N., Engebo, A. and Nilsen, S.,
Safety Distances: Definition
and Values.
- 130106_ Wu, Y., Al-Rahbi, I. S., Lu, Y. and
Kalghatgi, G. T., Effect
of Carbon Dioxide, Argon and Hydrocarbon Fuels on the Stability of Hydrogen
Jet Flames.
- 110127_ Keßler, A., Ehrhardt, W. and Langer, G.,
Hydrogen detection:
Visualisation of Hydrogen using non invasive optical schlieren technique
- 130002_ Castello, P. and Salyk, O.,
Testing of Hydrogen Safety
Sensors in Service Simulated Conditions.
Legal Requirements & Standards
- 410082_Stephenson, R.R.,
Fire Safety of
Hydrogen-Fueled Vehicles: System-Level Bonfire Test.
- 220001_ Mair, G.W.,
Hydrogen Onboard Storage- An
Insertion of the Probabilistic Approach into Standards & Regulations?
- 100020_ Halvorsen, B.G.
and Høiset, S., Hydrogen
Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin – Safety Risk Assesment and Authority Approval
Experience and Lessons Learned.
Safety Related Initiatives
- 400081_Komori, M., Yoshida, T., Onoue, K. and
Kikukawa, S., Mori, T. and Takagi, K.,
Safety Study of Hydrogen
Supply Stations for the Review of High Pressure Gas Safety Law in Japan.
- 140024_ Florisson, O. and Huizing R.R.,
The Safe Use of the Existing
Natural Gas System for Hydrogen (Overview of the Naturalhy-Project.)
- 150002_Jordan, T., Perrette, L., Paillère, H.,
HySafe European network of
excellence on hydrogen safety.
- 150001_Hoagland, W.,
Collaborative Activities On
Hydrogen Safety under the International Energy Agency’s Hydrogen
Implementing Agreement.